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(KB-00007) "The ReX-T Pattern Library"

The ReX-T Pattern Library

Image ReX-T Icon

The Pattern Library

One of the most important features of ReX-T is the pattern library. It comes preloaded with examples for most Regular Expression pattern elements, and a few useful complete search patterns.

You can access the pattern library from the "Pattern Library" button in the top right corner of the main window.

ReX-T Library

Every library item contains a title, a description, and the actual Regex pattern. In addition to that, some patterns contain examples explaining their use.

To use any of these patterns in ReX-T, just drag the row from the library to the main window and drop it in the Search Pattern field.

To see details about a pattern, just click on its row.

Library with Detail

Most of the pre-installed patterns come with an extensive explanation and usage example.

Add your own patterns to the library

The library is the ideal place to store your own patterns. You can save a pattern that you have entered in the main window by clicking the Save Pattern button.

If you want to, you can create a usage example for your own pattern. See the Edit Library Patterns page to see how to do this.

Export your library

You can export the contents of your pattern library in two formats: JSON and RTF.

To export your library, click on the popup menu with the gear symbol in the lower-righthand corner of the library.

Manage your library


To reorder your library, click on the Drag Reorder button. The library will the enter the Drag Reorder mode; while in this mode, you can reorder the patterns by dragging them to their desired position.

When finished reordering, just click the Drag Reorder button again.

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Viewed by 1991 users; 448 found this helpful
08/01/2019 4:02:42 PM by (admin) Administrator
help-rext-library, ReX-T, library